How AI Is Transforming Advertising


Olga Demidenko , Author at Geomotiv
Reviewed by Egor Zablotski, Director of Engineering at Geomotiv
Published: Jun 19, 2024

Active experiments with AI in advertising result from the revolutionary shift we can observe in almost every industry. Businesses from different domains leverage the power of custom AI solutions to automate routine processes, personalize user experiences, forecast precise trends, and improve relationships with the customer base.

AI’s impact on the AdTech software development space has also been immense. It has changed how quickly, accurately, and efficiently advertisers can capture the attention of their audiences. This innovative pool of technologies helps improve targeting, recognize consumer preferences, create engaging ads, and implement successful advertising strategies and campaigns.

How AI Works in Advertising

Artificial intelligence (AI) uses intelligent machines capable of performing intellectual tasks such as understanding text, recognizing objects, and interpreting language, among other cases. Сomputer vision, machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning tools enable these capabilities.

Artificial intelligence in advertising analyzes vast amounts of data to detect patterns and make predictions. It allows setting targeted ads based on customer demographics, interests, and behavior. AI-powered platforms can generate and optimize personalized ad content in real-time, improving engagement and conversion rates. Tools like CopyAI use natural language generation to craft compelling ad copy that resonates with consumers.

AI systems are not just tools. They act like partners that refine their predictions and strategies by continuously using, processing, and learning from new data. This partnership not only gives advertisers an edge but also empowers them, ensuring their campaigns are efficient and impactful. With AI, advertisers can confidently deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, driving higher returns on advertising spend (ROAS).

Then, navigate to our fresh blog post describing the top AI use cases for business. Discover which AI capabilities help reshape traditional approaches in eCommerce, marketing, social media, and more.

Challenges Advertisers Solve with AI

The changing advertising landscape makes its players look for intelligent solutions to compete for attention, win audiences, increase revenue, and comply with stringent data regulations. Today’s consumers inhabit millions of digital destinations, including websites, mobile apps, video hosting platforms, and social networks. Human ad professionals need help keeping up with the data generated by target audiences and creating tailored campaigns that convert.

The benefits of using AI in advertising help resolve these and other challenges. Some of the most common ones include:

What Challenges Advertisers Solve with AI
  • Audience fragmentation. The proliferation of platforms makes reaching target audiences at the required scale difficult. AI analyzes data across multiple channels to identify and effectively target the right audience segments.
  • Data usage restrictions. One of the most pressing challenges in advertising is data usage restrictions imposed by regulations. However, AI comes to the rescue by navigating these restrictions, learning from them, and optimizing the use of available data.
  • Changing algorithms. It can be a challenge in advertising, making predicting results difficult. But AI is adaptable. It continuously learns from new data, ensuring more resilient and flexible targeting strategies. This adaptability provides a sense of security, knowing that AI can keep up with the ever-changing advertising landscape.
  • Brand suitability concerns. Finding suitable and brand-safe ad placements remains challenging. AI assesses contextual relevance and emotional nuances to determine appropriate moments for ad displays, ensuring brand safety and suitability.
  • Measuring efficiency. Accurately measuring ROI and KPIs is complex, complicating ad strategy assessments and optimization. AI provides real-time analytics and insights, making estimating campaign performance and optimization efforts easier.
  • Competition for attention. Standing out in a crowded advertising market requires extra effort from advertisers. AI analyzes data to uncover contextual connections and emotional tones, helping advertisers create compelling content that captures and retains audience attention.
  • Ad fraud. The number of sophisticated methods fraudsters use to trick advertisers into paying them is rising. Some suspicious behaviors requiring immediate attention are click bots, fake impressions, and hidden ads. AI helps detect malicious activities and analyze patterns, preventing their significant impact on advertising companies.
  • Low conversion rates. Low conversion rates indicate that ad viewers don't take the intended action. AI helps tackle this challenge by analyzing customer behavior, anticipating behavior trends, and optimizing ad placements. AI optimizes ad content and eliminates guesswork by continuously learning from data, using predictive modeling, and automating data analysis.
  • Ineffective ad copies. Creating personalized and engaging ads requires significant investments in marketing teams. Luckily, businesses can leverage natural language processing to write ad copy that performs better than human-written.
  • Inaccurate predictions. Accurately predicting customer behavior, bidding processes, and campaign performance requires digging into vast historical data. AI uses advanced algorithms and ML-powered predictive analytics to process past data and forecast future trends more reliably.
  • Manual routine tasks can be overwhelming, especially when they involve bid adjustments, ad placements, and testing. But with AI, these repetitive processes are automated, saving time and resources. AI streamlines these processes, allowing marketers to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on more critical tasks.

How AI Helps Advertising Companies

AI is not here to replace humans in advertising. It's here to enhance their capabilities. While humans excel at strategic and creative tasks, they can’t quickly analyze massive datasets to optimize campaigns, manage diverse ad variations, or identify new customer opportunities. This is where AI comes in. It bridges this gap, enabling precise targeting, rapid data analysis, and continuous optimization. The benefits of AI technology ensure advertising efforts achieve the best possible results, making campaigns more effective, efficient, and impactful.

Let’s review how the strengths of AI help advertisers reach their milestones.

ai technology benefits_How AI helps advertising companies
  • AI enables targeted campaigns on all platforms.

Artificial intelligence redefines traditional approaches to audience segmentation and enables brands and marketers to gain insights into the most relevant customer groups. By collecting and analyzing large datasets related to demographics, preferences, buying habits, behaviors, and more, AI can detect similarities and segment audience profiles precisely.

This level of intelligence helps advertisers deliver relevant and engaging creatives to a massive customer base. Consequently, the likelihood of positive impressions, increased conversions, and customer loyalty grows.

AI also enhances advertising on video platforms by enabling precise targeting and personalized campaigns. By analyzing millions of videos, NLP can detect actions, scenes, and emotions and conclude their effect on users. Advanced machine learning algorithms can also explore the age, gender, and other attributes of the target audience.

AI examines likes, comments, and view durations to measure engagement. At the same time, it can identify trending and viral content. AI explores purchase patterns, linking them with buyer profiles to better understand consumer behavior. In the most advanced cases, AI optimizes ad timing based on purchase frequency, ensuring ads appear when viewers are most likely to buy. Additionally, AI assesses the efficiency of different ad strategies, helping advertisers adjust and refine their approach.

  • AI helps create, manage, and test ad creatives.

AI-driven automation frees advertisers from repetitive large-scale content creation and distribution tasks. Generative AI can produce ad copy, headlines, descriptions, and videos based on pre-set parameters, allowing advertisers to quickly generate large volumes of creative digital assets.

Furthermore, AI enhances campaign quality assurance by checking ad copy and headlines for errors, adhering to brand guidelines, and improving accuracy. It also receives signals on how each ad creative performs based on different strategies and campaign objectives.

  • AI helps scale up personalized ads for individual users.

AI doesn't need to guess what motivates individual consumers at an unprecedented scale. It can understand content that resonates with diverse audience segments. Then, it dynamically adjusts the ad's content (which can be created using generative AI tools) to implement the discovered information.

The benefit of using AI in digital advertising is the ability to scale campaigns without manual intervention. With AI-driven tools, advertisers can simultaneously craft tailored experiences for millions of customers. This granular level of automation can save time and budget while improving the customer experience.

  • AI helps predict the efficiency of ad campaigns before their launch.

ML algorithms analyze historical data to generate insights into what kinds of creatives performed well in past campaigns. They assemble several critical data points across thousands and millions of displays, including:

  • message;
  • design;
  • format;
  • device;
  • platform;
  • time of display;
  • call-to-action text, etc.

Trained ML models digest new ad creatives and project their future performance scenarios. As a result, advertisers can predict the success potential of campaigns before they even launch. This is one of the most essential benefits of AI for business since it enables companies to allocate resources more efficiently and save advertising budgets for yield-generating strategies.

  • AI automates media buying.

AI technology is critical to the infrastructure of modern programmatic media buying and selling platforms. It facilitates automated processes within the majority of modern Ad Exchanges. Algorithms buy and sell ads in real-time based on the requirements of advertisers and publishers.

AI in programmatic advertising helps media buyers activate their campaigns in minutes. The technology can rapidly adapt to market changes to manipulate prices and manage real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic buys without manual input. Beyond optimization, intelligent machines learn from past results and generate insights to adjust ad frequency and other parameters.

Then, don’t hesitate to engage our specialists. Geomotiv provides senior AdTech engineers with eight years of experience developing custom media buying solutions.

  • AI helps assess the impact of ads on customers.

Another critical parameter for assessing campaign efficacy is how potential customers rate and respond to digital ads. AI-powered advertising considers user interactions with ad creatives or entire campaigns to make informed decisions about their success or failure. Algorithms can also compare this information to that of competitors.

AI considers parameters like attention levels, emotional responses, and other signals and contrasts them with the campaigns' intended outcomes. Real-life data from users enhances the creative process and leads to the delivery of ads with appealing content.

  • AI helps improve campaign performance.

Manual orchestration of advertising campaigns is gradually becoming obsolete. AI engines adjust the ad bidding strategy on the go, considering market conditions, real-time behavior patterns, and user demographics. These intelligent systems can identify trends and predict outcomes, allowing for more precise targeting and budget allocation. 

The advent of artificial intelligence in digital advertising also aids in analyzing post-campaign KPIs, providing deeper insights and enabling continuous improvement for future campaigns. AI can process Big Data to uncover hidden patterns and correlations that manual analysis might miss. Additionally, it can automate the reporting process, delivering real-time performance metrics and actionable recommendations, allowing marketers to make data-driven decisions.

  • AI helps improve customer lifecycle.

In addition to measuring the performance of ad campaigns, AI excels in customer lifecycle analysis by digging deep into user behavior and preferences. Neural networks and machine learning models access the data from a base of buyer profiles and determine patterns in their preferences. They can correlate purchases to individual profiles and understand when a customer is likely to make a purchase, abandon a shopping cart and what product bundles they might be interested in.

Depending on individual consumers' purchase histories, AI can optimize ad timing in targeted campaigns. For example, suppose AI analysis reveals that customers typically buy skincare products every six weeks. In that case, the system can schedule ads for complementary items around the five-week mark. This timing ensures that the customer sees the ad when they are most likely considering their next purchase, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  • AI helps prevent risks.
ai technology benefits_AI helps prevent risks

AI is crucial in helping advertisers secure their brands from risks related to unsafe content or inappropriate ads. By deploying advanced algorithms for sentiment analysis and content validation, advertisers can prevent issues before they arise. These tools analyze ad copy, headlines, and other elements to identify and tag problematic terminology consumers could misinterpret.

AI leverages semantic similarity techniques to filter and automatically flag potential violations involving proprietary content. This capability is a robust safeguard, protecting brand exclusivity and preserving the integrity of branded materials. By continuously monitoring for misuse or infringement, AI helps maintain a brand's reputation and prevents costly legal disputes.

Then, dive into our article exploring AI’s impact on your company. Discover the role of AI solutions in transforming modern business practices.

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What AI-Driven Platforms Do

Thanks to the fusion of AI into the AdTech stack, advertising companies augment human intelligence with next-gen capabilities. AI-driven platforms can integrate with existing tools or be used as standalone systems, offering advertisers a range of opportunities:

  • analyze Big Data quickly and efficiently;
  • detect trends and patterns with utmost precision;
  • boost ad relevance for consumer segments and individuals;
  • target customers at the right time;
  • personalize messaging for customers at scale;
  • forecast ad efficiency and campaign performance;
  • automate repetitive tasks;
  • streamline ad content creation, testing, and distribution.

Data Privacy Concerns with AI Adoption in Advertising

ML models and AI algorithms learn from large quantities of data from thousands of digital destinations. Marketers and advertisers rely on this data to segment user cohorts, set up the targeting, customize creatives, and personalize their services to achieve the envisioned goals. 

However, while consumers are generally receptive to AI's role in enhancing personalization, data privacy remains a primary concern. The Association of Privacy Professionals found that 57% of consumers globally agree that AI poses a significant threat to their privacy.

ai technology benefits_Data Privacy Concerns with AI

Advertisers must pay special attention to ensuring data security and user privacy protection when incorporating AI into the tech stack. They should choose AI platforms and tools committed to these practices to avoid data manipulation and comply with ethical norms. It is necessary to pay attention to if the chosen AI tool:

  • Collects and uses only the required data.
  • Deletes collected data when it is no longer needed.
  • Requires explicit user consent before using non-core data.
  • Safeguards sensitive data through access controls and encryption.
  • Grants user data the right to be forgotten.
  • Has a transparent privacy policy guiding data-related practices.

What Challenges Come with Integrating AI into Advertising?

Advertisers planning to embrace AI technology benefits for their business need to understand its limitations, apart from privacy concerns. The unique nature of the advertising industry presents several difficulties with AI adoption. However, advertisers can overcome specific roadblocks when adopting AI responsibly and starting its full-scale integration into internal processes.

Among the challenges, we can mention:

1.Poor infrastructure.

AI programs require scalable and high-performing IT infrastructure to process large quantities of data in real time. Small businesses with tight budgets often lack these foundations to start reaping the benefits of AI technology. Luckily, advances in cloud-based services enable companies to set up a cost-efficient and reliable architecture for their operations. This move helps reduce the time and effort of purchasing and maintaining hardware equipment. 

2. Regulatory constraints.

The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the USA has changed how companies collect and use sensitive data. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have adopted local privacy legislation guidelines. Different editions of privacy laws are increasing worldwide, raising concerns about compliance risks.

Advertisers processing user data in different markets should know how to set up and use AI to adhere to multiple regulatory frameworks. Non-compliance can lead to heavy fines and, more importantly for high-profile advertisers and brands, reputational damages and legal persecution.

3. Poor quality of collected data

ai technology benefits_poor quality of collected data

AI and ML models need uninterrupted access to high-quality data to generate actionable insights. Advertisers can draw incorrect conclusions and make unverified decisions if they learn from inaccurate or insufficient information. Instead of refining the ad strategy, AI will produce wrong outputs, affecting the overall results.

Stakeholders must identify the correct data to feed into AI programs, ensure the data is clean and optimized for advertising and marketing, and take all these actions before integrating AI tools into the high-level strategy.

4. Lack of in-house AI expertise

Most AI-powered tools and platforms feature intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use workflows. However, complexity can arise when basic functionality needs to be enhanced with more advanced solutions. Advertisers may struggle with implementing pre-defined capabilities without internal expertise in AI campaign management.

Some businesses can train their current employees to bridge the skills gap. Others may need to invest in attracting proficient AI specialists. Competitive pay can entice qualified professionals to join and help with technology integration and AI-driven ad campaign management.

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What Results Advertisers Can Get with AI

Intelligent data analysis, efficient extraction of valuable insights, and definitive forecasts are benefits of AI in digital marketing and advertising. AI's ability to analyze Big Data quickly and accurately lets businesses achieve remarkable results:

  • Reduce media wastage.

Thanks to advanced analytics, ads now reach only relevant users, cutting costs associated with ineffective impressions. AI ensures that consumers interact with engaging content at the right time, directly downsizing wasted ad spending for advertisers.

  • Improve CTR and VTR.

AI's targeting potential, coupled with accurate predictions on campaign performance, leads to higher click-through and view-through rates. These indicators show that creatives help increase engagement, brand recognition, and visibility.

  • Increase purchase intent.

AI helps drive clients down the marketing funnel by providing personalized recommendations and targeted messaging at each customer journey stage. It motivates customers to buy relevant products by presenting them with compelling offers and timely incentives.

  • Improve ROAS.

With AI, spending on ad campaigns becomes more than just a line of expenses with undefined outcomes. By leveraging AI-powered analytics, automating, predicting, and targeting capabilities, companies can maximize the return on their advertising investment. The power of innovative tech ensures that each dollar spent yields returns in terms of increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth.


The pace of AI adoption by brands and advertisers results in the ongoing industry transformation. It has already strengthened traditional ways of media buying, content creation, A/B testing, and campaign analysis. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated, they can further refine all aspects of advertising operations.

AI provides advanced tools for creating results-driven ad campaigns that target and engage consumers. However, advertisers must be aware of the potential challenges of AI adoption and take actionable steps to overcome them. This way, the benefits of AI in advertising will outweigh the possible risks and lead to successful revenue-generating advertising strategies.


What is the role of artificial intelligence in advertising?

AI facilitates an automated process of creating engaging ads, buying inventory, predicting trends, and targeting the right audience with less or no human mediation.

How is AI used in advertising?
What is the future of AI in advertising?


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