Agile Development Blog Section

Digital library of meaningful ideas


How to Build an Agile Software Development Team

The Agile software development principle focuses on building collaboration between...

Elevating Code Quality: The Role of Refactoring in Agile Development

In software development, refactoring is a process of restructuring programming...

What Is an Agile Work Environment, and What Are Its Benefits?

In a comprehensive and high-level meaning, an agile environment at...

Regression Testing in Agile: What You Should Know About It

The term “regression testing” is not always associated with Agile...

Project Manager Role in Agile: Importance and Key Tasks

The project manager role is in charge of managing the...

What is Agile Methodology in Software Development?

Agile is an absolutely “change-friendly” methodology that helps companies to...

Top Popular Software Development Methodologies

When you come across the need to hire a custom...

The Development Process at Geomotiv

We split the development process into equal cycles called iterations....