Linear and OTT TV

Geomotiv team helps to create efficient solutions for advertising campaigns on all screens. Our aim is to develop superior software that can not only connect media buyers and sellers, but also control each aspect of TV ad campaigns for each player. With our help, you will be able to break into OTT and CTV game and take your business to a new level.



Benefit from TV Media Software Development

Build and support scalable platforms

Bridge the gap between linear
and digital TV inventory

Measure the performance
of TV ad campaigns

Automate TV media buying and selling

Ensure precise targeting on all screens

Achieve transparency and control transactions

Enhance TV ad strategies and
outperform your competitors
using innovative technologies

Integrate the technology into third-party services

Gain full control over advertising inventory


We Create Value for TV Industry

Traditional Linear Non-addressable Over-the-Air (OTA with ATSC 1.0)

Back in 2015 through 2017, Geomotiv was among the first to develop a custom linear TV media buying automation system. We are very well aware of buy-side requirements, and we can create systems that integrate well into the sell side based on those requirements. We’ve integrated such modern linear TV media sales automation systems as WideOrbit Programmatic and Videa SSP. We can also develop systems similar to, or better than, those for TV companies.

Traditional Linear Non-addressable Over-the-Air (OTA with ATSC 1.0)

Current Generation Addressable
Over-the-Top (OTT)

Geomotiv is a development partner to one of the US largest ad-supported OTT services with a focus on their advertising technology stack. We’ve created numerous mechanisms for yield management to accelerate the client’s fill-rate and revenue. Our sell-side and buy-side experience makes us the most preferred partner for OTT TV companies willing to take their advertising technology in-house.

Current Generation AddressableOver-the-Top (OTT)

Next Generation Linear Addressable (OTA with ATSC 3.0)

Our experience in traditional linear TV media buying automation, digital AdTech solutions, and OTT yield management system development makes us one of the best custom AdTech partners for TV station groups that are implementing the ATSC 3.0 standard. Together with your specialists, we will be able to create NextGen TV ad inventory monetization opportunities.

Next Generation Linear Addressable (OTA with ATSC 3.0)
Let’s talk about your project

You have bright ideas – and we have cross-functional teams to turn them into working software.
Speak with our experts today to break into the game of Netflix.


Choose What’s Relevant for Your Business

Media Sales Automation
Platform Development

Third-Party Demand
Partner Integration

Yield Management
Software Development

Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI)
System Development


similar to those already used by such industry leaders as:

Explore Our AdTech Platform Development Success Story

As true industry veterans with vast in-house AdTech expertise, we assembled a highly skilled team of specialists who participated in from-scratch custom AdTech platform development.

In response to the inefficiencies and legacy procedures plaguing the AdTech industry, Geomotiv identified an opportunity to revolutionize the digital advertising landscape.

Geomotiv founded Adoppler, a dedicated product subsidiary, with a clear mission: to develop a standalone programmatic AdTech platform to streamline interactions between media buyers and sellers while eliminating outdated practices from the supply and demand chains.

Adoppler’s platform matured and became a standalone company that continues to empower all sides of the media buying process to thrive in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.


Why Entrust TV Media Development
to Geomotiv

Deep understanding
of industry specifics

Vast technological experience

Non-trivial niche

Risk-free problem

Commitment to Agile
best practices

Highly proficient team

Focus on your business needs

Transparent and trusting relationship with customers

Sergey Lobko-Lobanovsky Founder and CEO

Geomotiv understands the TV media industry’s intricacies and specifics due to an extensive portfolio of completed and ongoing projects.
Our team worked on a bespoke linear TV media buying automation
system and integrated it with sell-side requirements. We also serve as
a key development partner for US ad-supported OTT services and
deliver expertise in yield management to boost fill rates and revenue.
Our knowledge expands to the next generation of linear TV, where we
support TV station groups adopting the ATSC 3.0 standard and create
prospects for NextGen TV ad inventory monetization.


Our Work Speaks for Itself


Video Streaming Platform

The OTT Advertising Service was a set of solutions designed to give the client full control over their ad related activities.


Linear TV DSP

PDX was a web-based software product that integrated the in-house TV CRM, programming, and inventory maintenance systems.


Healthcare CRM for Medical Center

A custom Healthcare CRM system for doctors and administrative staff to securely access, edit, and manage information.



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