OpenRTB Integration
RTB Development Services

Whether you want to build your in-house OpenRTB platform or integrate OpenRTB protocol in your existing platform, we are ready to provide a full-service AdTech team of dedicated developers.



OpenRTB in a Nutshell

OpenRTB refers to a protocol created by IAB member companies to automate ad inventory selling. The protocol offers open standards for co-operation between demand and supply sides under RTB. With the help of OpenRTB, AdTech platforms can be integrated in practically any industry player, which helps to decrease time to market.


How RTB Works

Data Management Platform Data Management Platform Ad Network (working for a buyer) Advertiser Ad server Agency trading desk or in-house Ad Network (working for a seller) Publisher Ad server Publisher Advertiser Consumer OpenRTB client Bidder service DEMAND-SIDE PLATFORM OpenRTB server Auction service SUPPLY-SIDE PLATFORM SELL-SIDE BUY-SIDE AD EXCHANGE

Key Features

Must-Have OpenRTB Capabilities

  • Seamless integration into
  • Support for VAST and video
  • Open API
  • Compatibility with mobile devices
  • Scalability
  • Header Bidding support
  • Various inventory formats
  • Compliance with 1st and 2nd
    price auctions


What Solutions Can Include RTB Functionality

Supply-side Platform

Create a competitive trading
environment and manage
demand partners

Demand-side Platform

Get a broader view of ad spaces
available and ensure access to
premium inventory

Ad Exchange / Ad Server

Get a transparent and safe business
environment to control ad


Put together heterogeneous
demand sources, increase fill
rate, and improve yield

Mobile Apps

Get ampler monetization and
demand source management


Take Advantage of In-House RTB Platform


Direct advertisers and premium ad inventory
Support for various ad formats
Protection against invalid traffic
User data privacy protection

Advertising campaign management from a single source
Flexibility in choosing partners under
a universal protocol
Transparency and control over cre-
Customization according to specific
business needs


Why Entrust Custom RTB Development
to Geomotiv

Our in-house teams have
extensive SSP, DSP, DMP,
and Ad Exchange integration

We founded a sister company Adoppler whose product is a full-stack AdTech solution

We have exclusive
expertise in omnichannel
SSP, DSP, and Ad Exchange
platform development
and customization

We have a strong development team with unique AdTech expertise since 2010

Explore Our AdTech Platform Development Success Story

As true industry veterans with vast in-house AdTech expertise, we assembled a highly skilled team of specialists who participated in from-scratch custom AdTech platform development.

In response to the inefficiencies and legacy procedures plaguing the AdTech industry, Geomotiv identified an opportunity to revolutionize the digital advertising landscape.

Geomotiv founded Adoppler, a dedicated product subsidiary, with a clear mission: to develop a standalone programmatic AdTech platform to streamline interactions between media buyers and sellers while eliminating outdated practices from the supply and demand chains.

Adoppler’s platform matured and became a standalone company that continues to empower all sides of the media buying process to thrive in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

Egor Zablotski Director of Engineering

Our AdTech team has multi-year experience working with OpenRTB
protocol, and we know how to make its use as efficient as possible
for publishers and advertisers. Thanks to the automation of ad
inventory selling, all market players can enjoy streamlined and
facilitated processes. We can develop your custom OpenRTB
platform or integrate this protocol into your existing solution
in full accordance with the requirements.


Our Work Speaks for Itself


Video Streaming Platform

The OTT Advertising Service was a set of solutions designed to give the client full control over their ad related activities.


Custom Solutions for AdTech Company

Discover our support solutions built for efficient software development and enhancement of AdTech products.


White-Label Ad Management Solution

A flexible ad management system for large advertisers that brought industry recognition for MediaMath.


Custom Solution for Ad Campaign and Strategy Scheduling

Explore our user-friendly Scheduler system for ad campaigns and strategy scheduling integrated into the client’s DSP.


AdTech Bidding Module Development

Achieving a 40% development boost, 60% leak cut, and 200ms processing speed in optimizing the client’s Bidding module.



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