Ad Exchange Development Services

Reaching ambitious goals of the demand and supply sides is easier with a team of AdTech gurus. We can develop an RTB-compliant custom Ad Exchange and thus provide a scalable, transparent, and profitable environment for your transactions.



Ad Exchange in a Nutshell

Ad Exchange is a platform that relies on RTB to determine the rates for the inventory that the publisher is willing to sell. Such a platform helps media buyers and sellers to interact and establish a transparent environment to fulfill the transactions. Media sellers can sell their inventory and potentially enter more auctions from one source for each dollar spent. Media buyers, in their turn, can gain access to a much larger number of partners. Moreover, it is possible to access mass audiences and use various targeting tools that help increase the efficiency of advertising campaigns.


Ad Exchange Place in Programmatic RTB Flow

Data Management Platform Data Management Platform Ad Network (working for a buyer) Advertiser Ad server Agency trading desk or in-house Ad Network (working for a seller) Publisher Ad server Publisher Advertiser Consumer OpenRTB client Bidder service DEMAND-SIDE PLATFORM OpenRTB server Auction service SUPPLY-SIDE PLATFORM SELL-SIDE BUY-SIDE AD EXCHANGE


Must-Have Ad Exchange Capabilities

  • Compatibility with OpenRTB specification
  • Programmatic direct deals
  • Flexible API
  • Forecasting tools
  • Ability to plug into multiple channels such as ad exchanges, DSPs, and networks at once
  • Control over who buys the inventory and at what price
  • Unified dashboard with user-friendly interface
  • Partner interaction transparency
  • Access to all necessary metrics
  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics
  • Easy customization
  • Support for all inventory types (display, video, native)
  • Open and private auction
  • Compliance with GDPR requirements for companies that process EU citizens’ personal data


Who Can Benefit from
Having an In-House Ad Exchange

Media Buyers

Gain direct access to the
inventory and get lower CPMs

Media Sellers

Get the most out of your
advertising inventory

Media Technology Suppliers

Optimize your ad inventory


Take Advantage of In-House Ad Exchange


For media buyers

Unlimited possibilities for user targeting
Flexibility to negotiate better inventory rates
Transparent and secure environment for transactions
Full control over inventory and data
Direct channels for communication with trusted partners
Access to premium inventory
Flexible price setting tools
Wide user targeting abilities

For media sellers

Easy access to advertisers through a single platform
Improved brand safety
Flexible inventory settings
Ability to increase the fill-rate by
going directly to programmatic buyers
Integration into largest sources
of demand
Transparency of budgetary spending
Monetization of a wider group
of website visitors


Why Entrust Custom Ad Exchange
Development to Geomotiv

Our in-house teams have
extensive SSP, DSP, DMP,
and Ad Exchange integration

We founded a sister company Adoppler whose product is a full-stack AdTech solution

We have exclusive
expertise in omnichannel
SSP, DSP, and Ad Exchange
platform development
and customization

We have a strong development team with unique AdTech expertise since 2010

Explore Our AdTech Platform Development Success Story

As true industry veterans with vast in-house AdTech expertise, we assembled a highly skilled team of specialists who participated in from-scratch custom AdTech platform development.

In response to the inefficiencies and legacy procedures plaguing the AdTech industry, Geomotiv identified an opportunity to revolutionize the digital advertising landscape.

Geomotiv founded Adoppler, a dedicated product subsidiary, with a clear mission: to develop a standalone programmatic AdTech platform to streamline interactions between media buyers and sellers while eliminating outdated practices from the supply and demand chains.

Adoppler’s platform matured and became a standalone company that continues to empower all sides of the media buying process to thrive in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

Sergey Lobko-Lobanovsky Founder and CEO

Given our vast experience in the development of AdTech solutions and
a deep understanding of the industry needs, you can entirely rely on us
if you want to launch a custom RTB-compliant Ad Exchange. We know
how to make the interaction between media sellers and buyers as
convenient and efficient as possible.


Our Work Speaks for Itself


Video Streaming Platform

The OTT Advertising Service was a set of solutions designed to give the client full control over their ad related activities.


Custom Solutions for AdTech Company

Discover our support solutions built for efficient software development and enhancement of AdTech products.


White-Label Ad Management Solution

A flexible ad management system for large advertisers that brought industry recognition for MediaMath.


Custom Solution for Ad Campaign and Strategy Scheduling

Explore our user-friendly Scheduler system for ad campaigns and strategy scheduling integrated into the client’s DSP.


AdTech Bidding Module Development

Achieving a 40% development boost, 60% leak cut, and 200ms processing speed in optimizing the client’s Bidding module.



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