Geomotiv Unlocked the Best Networking Opportunities in New York


Olga Demidenko , Author at Geomotiv
Published: Jun 8, 2023

The Geomotiv team regularly attends tech conferences and trade shows in different parts of the world. Since in-person events have come into full force this year, the global community is responding to this resurgence and rushing to exciting meetings frequently. Our company’s representatives are no exception.

Being part of a global community makes us a better company to work and partner with. Events like Web Summit, MWC and CES 2023 offered our business development team great opportunities to make new connections, meet with industry leaders, and learn from top decision-makers shaping modern trends.

Seizing networking opportunities in New York

This time, our Head of business development, Tamuna Basaria, made it to New York in May 2023. This vibrant city was home to many inspiring tech events that united thousands of startup founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs of international and local companies. Moreover, New York was a perfect place to connect with our potential customers and tech industry pros who invited us to their offices for personal meetings.

business trip and roadshow to the USA

WEVE x Austrade Summer Demo Day

The event results from collaborative efforts between Austrade - Australian Trade and Investment Commission - and WEVE, a renowned startup accelerator focusing on overseas startups that plan to enter the US market. It was held on May 16, 2023, and featured Australian Fintech startups in scaling or growth stages.

One of the primary themes of the event was the peculiarities of the Australian tech sector. Our business development team learned a lot about the nuances of hiring and working in this region. Understanding the differences in regulations and requirements between Australia and the USA was precious.

We also got to know a couple of Australian startup founders and teams, connected with their representatives and pitched our software development services to decision-makers. Overall, it was an exclusive opportunity to connect with people we otherwise wouldn’t have during more generalized events.

Apidays New York

Apidays is a renowned mention among the most influential tech conferences in the world. Anyone willing to navigate the changing API landscape or understand the role of microservices and programmable economy in their company strives to join this must-attend event. It is no wonder that this two-day conference provided extreme value to our business development team.

We gained insights into API-driven models to serve different industries - Retail, Finance, Healthcare, and Media. The conference offered a mix of 70 events, including keynote speeches, workshops, and panel discussions. But one of the most significant pros of attending Apidays is connecting with people from all sides of the globe.

Our business development team didn’t miss this chance and stopped by the booths and panels of diverse exhibitors from the tech industry. Some of them put us in contact with other valuable people who may become potential partners and customers. Being in the same room with a global community of like-minded professionals was an extremely valuable experience. Thanks to it, we better understood their priorities, objectives, and critical problems.

meetup sessions in NY

Offline Meet-ups With Prospects

Our business development team also pre-arranged seven meet-ups with potential customers in New York. During these sessions, our Head of business development had a chance to connect personally with some of the most innovative companies. For example, Tamuna recently had a productive in-person appointment with a top global telecom company and met with other notable figures in the industry. It allowed potential partners to get to know us better and establish close contacts in the future.

Offline events are here to stay

Having returned from New York, we believe the traditional format of conferences, summits, forums, and other events has arrived. As countries drop Covid entry rules and health safety measures, planning new activities, such as business meetings and physical conversations, has become more accessible.

As the head of the business development department at Geomotiv, Tamuna will gladly meet you in person and discuss cooperation opportunities with your company or a startup. We are open to business trips to your location!



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