Geomotiv is a Company You Can Trust


Alex Kharkauski , Chief Operating Officer, Geomotiv
Published: Apr 26, 2017

Intellectual property in IT aims to promote an environment in which a blending mix of innovation and creativity can flourish. Still thousands of companies consider hiring a remote team as infringement of their intellectual property. They think remote teams may steal their ideas, data, code, or even the entire product.

At Geomotiv, we respect our clients’ intellectual property. Our business is based on trust.

At Geomotiv, we respect our clients’ intellectual property. Our business is based on trust. Once you've lost it, you'll never restore clients’ confidence in you as in a reliable partner. We believe that trust is the currency of the new economy.

Here we explain why we do care about our clients’ IP, and why we are aimed at successful long-term cooperation.

No Reasons to Steal Your Ideas

  1. We don’t want to breach the law.
    When we start cooperation with our clients, we sign a legal document. This is an approved practice. If we fail to comply with the established conditions, we will be subject to legal consequences. Besides, the process itself presents huge financial losses and takes up a lot of time.
  2. We work hard for our reputation.
    We’ve spent too much time and effort to win our clients’ trust and to become the company we are now. We don’t want to lose it all and begin from the very start.
  3. Investing into a stolen product is absurd.
    The development of every product requires time, money, people and good strategy. It’s a cost-based undertaking. If you fail to benefit from a stolen idea, it would bring you back to the starting point. What's more, it would carry legal proceedings. The question is also about the moral side. If you don’t have enough imagination to create something within your company, you’d better deny the idea of stealing somebody’s product. One would never stand out from the crowd, if he makes a “second-hand” product. So we prefer to follow the existing business model within Geomotiv, where the client and the contracting company benefit from the profitable cooperation.

Our Client is Totally Engaged in the Development Process

The client has full control over the development process. He has access to the source code. In fact, we always negotiate the question about sharing the code with the client during the project plan. We play fair and assure you that the source code will stay with you.  It is never used in another project. Every single idea for future projects is designed from scratch.

Generally, the client receives code once every two weeks or anytime according to his request. Besides, we are open to give instructions on further operations with the code.

Every project gives valuable experience to our team and invigorates them to the new endeavors.

The Guarantee of Intellectual Property

Here are some contracts we sign with our clients:

  1. We sign NDA (a non-disclosure agreement) before concluding the main contract. The NDA creates a confidential relationship between our company and the client; it protects proprietary business information, outlines confidential material, and guarantees non-disclosure of the project.
  2. Next, after the negotiations about the project are done, we sign a legal agreement. The agreement outlines the client’s intellectual property rights.
  3. In special cases we sign an additional NDA. This document is generally based on the specific requirements of the client. However, we normally manage without that kind of NDA. When the software is finally launched, our clients are positive to see their software in our case studies and blog articles devoted to product development.

Our Values

Geomotiv has been in business since 2010. Since then, we have garnered a reputation as technologically powerful company. We adhere to our principles and ideas of doing business. We also believe in the true sense of the word partnership. By sharing common goals, risks and opportunities for growth, comes a constant search for improvement. So cooperation and mutual respect provide a firm bond between the parties. Here you may see a couple of reviews from our clients. If you need a personal reference, please get in touch with us. 



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